La Herradura Spanish School Uruguay

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Uruguay Cultural Podcast Episode 01

Stories from Our Spanish Class: Anja and Rolf’s Adventures

Mathias, our Spanish professor, with Anja and Rolf

At La Herradura Spanish School, we dive deep into Spanish grammar, but our classes are also a space for lively conversation. During these conversations, students share a wealth of stories—life experiences, anecdotes, and personal adventures. One of the highlights of practicing past tenses in Spanish is that it encourages students to bring their own stories to class.

In this episode, we're excited to share some of these stories with you. We feature:

  • Childhood Memories: Anja and Rolf, two of our students from Switzerland, share delightful tales from their early years.

  • Embarrassing Moments: Discover some of their most memorable and humorous life blunders that turned into great anecdotes.

  • Weekend Activities: Hear about what Anja and Rolf did last weekend and how they made the most of their time.

But the stories don't end here! To hear more about the adventures and experiences of our students, and to continue improving your Spanish, be sure to visit our blog. Stay tuned for the next chapter with Mathias.

¡A practicar tu español!

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